San Fernando

Veterinary Clinic

San Fernando
Veterinary Clinic


San Fernando Veterinary Clinic, veterinarians Mallorca

Our clinic has been located in San Fernando Avenue, Palma de Mallorca since 1980. We are focused on pets, mainly cats and dogs.

Our aim is to warrantee the well-being of our pets and their relationship with their owners. Our facilities and equipment are in permanent renewal and we have a lot of experience in internal medicine, soft tissue surgery, traumatology, odontology, dermatology and other specialities.

San Fernando Veterinary Clinic, veterinarians Mallorca

Specialists in Reproduction

Our clinic is the veterinary Balearic reference in canine and feline reproduction, as well as in pathology of reproduction and assisted reproduction: intrauterine inseminations, infertility, labour, c-sections, pediatrics, frozen canine semen bank, seminal imports/exports around the world, etc.

specialists in reproduction dogs and cats, veterinary medicine

Veterinary Services

Preventive medicine, vaccinations, deworming, ultrasound, radiology, endoscopics, blood tests, ophthalmology, odontology, dermatology, etc. All the attention and care that you pet may need.

veterinary traumatology in mallorca

Surgery and Traumatology

We perform most of the surgical procedures: from neuterings to abdominal surgery, oncosurgery, maxillofacial surgery, bone fractures, cranial cruciate ligament rupture and other orthopedic diseases, etc.

specialists in reproduction dogs and cats, veterinary medicine

Seminal Imports and exports

Shipments of chilled or frozen semen are a frequent practice that increases the genetic diversity saving time and costs.

Pictures of the latest litters assisted by our expert in small animal reproduction


Galería de fotos de algunas de las camadas de perras atendidas por nuestro veterinario experto en reproducción.


To provide a better attention we strongly recommend arranging an appointment



971 730 546


Opening hours

Monday to Friday
9:00 AM – 8:00 PM
We don’t close at midday
Saturday 9:00 AM – 1:30 PM


Av. San Fernando Nº 49
Palma de Mallorca



Out of the opening hours
Mobile: 601 200 320

August opening hours

Monday to Friday
9:00 AM – 8:00 PM
9:00 AM – 1:30 PM