Surgery Veterinary
Surgery and Traumatology
We perform neutering (ovariectomy, castration) as well as surgical procedures for oronasal pathology, digestive tract, urogenital, respiratory tract and tumor resection.
As traumatologist we stabilise fractures, rupture of the anterior cranial cruciate ligament and other orthopedic problems.
Our operating room is equipped with an anesthetics machine including inhalatory positive pressure respirator, multiparametric monitor (pulsioximetry, capnography, electrocardiogram, non-invasive pressure) and an autoclave to sterilize surgical instruments.
Incisional gastropexia for fixation of the stomach in a gastric dilatation volvulus in a Great Dane.
To provide a better attention we strongly recommend arranging an appointment
971 730 546
Opening hours
Monday to Friday
9:00 AM – 8:00 PM
We don’t close at midday
Saturday de 9:00 AM – 1:30 PM
Av. San Fernando Nº 49
Palma de Mallorca
Out of the opening hours
Mobile: 601 200 320
August opening hours
Monday to Friday
9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
9:00 AM – 1:30 PM