Fernando Mir


Fernando coursed his studies in the University of Zaragoza (Spain). He finished with an Erasmus scholarship in the Ecole Nationale Veterinaire de Maisons-Alfort (ENVA, Paris, France) in 2005.

After one year of trainee in the hospital of the ENVA, he did an internship in small animal medicine and surgery (2006-2007) and continued working as resident in the Department of Small Animal Reproduction of the ENVA between 2008 and 2012.

He passed his examination as European Specialist in Animal Reproduction in 2012. This title is recognized as the highest degree of specialisation in this field.

He has been working in the clinic since 2012 and he is the current head. His main interests are dog and feline reproduction, soft tissue surgery and traumatology.

He regularly teaches in continued educational courses for cat and dog veterinarians and breeders. He is a frequent speaker in congress and publish in national and international scientific journals. He is the current president of the GERPAC, the Group of Specialists in Reproduction and Pediatrics of Companion Animals, appertaining to AVEPA (Association of Spanish Veterinarians of Small Animals).

Veterinary Care in Palma de Mallorca

veterinarian in mallorca

Preventive check-ups

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Identification by microchip

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veterinarian in mallorca

Dental Hygiene

veterinarian in mallorca

Obesity prevention

veterinarian in mallorca

Geriatric check-up

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Internal Medicine

Orthopaedics and Traumatology

veterinarian in mallorca

Diagnostic imaging

veterinarian in mallorca


veterinary in mallorca


veterinary in mallorca

Veterinary Surgery

veterinary in mallorca


veterinary in mallorca

Canine frozen semen bank


To provide a better attention we strongly recommend arranging an appointment



971 730 546


Opening hours

Monday to Friday
9:00 AM – 8:00 PM
We don’t close at midday
Saturday de 9:00 AM – 1:30 PM


Av. San Fernando Nº 49
Palma de Mallorca



Out of the opening hours
Mobile: 601 200 320

August opening hours

Monday to Friday
9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
9:00 AM – 1:30 PM